Roam Sweet Roam: My World Cruise Adventure
As Joseph Campbell wisely said, "People say that what we are all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think this is what we’re really seeking. I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive." This world cruise has been one of the most rewarding forms of introspection for me. It's not just a trip; it’s part of my “re-entry” into Hotel @nyware, my ongoing break from the mundane routine of normal life, as I continue my travels on another cruise ship.
I’m living my dream of PT-Permanent Travel, also known as "Mini Retirements." I haven’t been everywhere yet, but it’s on my list. And as I document this journey—my round-the-world travelogue—I say to myself, "Roam Sweet Roam." Home is no longer just a street address; it’s wherever my computer is. I remain a digital nomad, where Anywhere becomes @nyware, location-neutral. There’s no such thing as bad real estate when you use technology and social media to stay connected. As I make my way to Sri Lanka, in the middle of nowhere yet the center of everything, I realize I can do pretty much everything I did back in the USA, only with the added benefit of a lower cost of living.
Consequently, I call home a feeling, not a place. I’ve never confused a street address for where I actually live. My destinations have never been about places; they’ve been about discovering new ways of seeing the world. The journey itself has always been my true destination.
Resourcefulness Over Resources
It’s never been about resources; it’s been about resourcefulness. We’re never too poor to buy our freedom. In fact, we are all "time millionaires." When we choose to use this precious commodity wisely, we realize that the less we put a cash value on travel, the less we associate money with life itself. The less we think that money is what we need to have an adventure, the more we unlock the true essence of living.
The Elephant: A Symbol of Joy and Prosperity
In Southeast Asia, the elephant is a symbol of good luck, longevity, peace, strength, and, most of all, joy. The image of a laughing Buddha riding an elephant with children on his lap beautifully represents happiness and prosperity in the family. Surely, it is the right wishes that draw us to the right places. Nothing of importance happens by accident in our lives.
Hotel @nyware: A New Outlook on Life
Hotel @nyware is not just a place; it's a way of choosing experiences and travel adventures over the daily grind of working away your life for material things. It’s different from being a tourist or buying a packaged vacation. Finding a simpler life is like looking into a mirror to see what you look like when you aren't actively observing yourself. It’s about staging authenticity, not just going through the motions.
The march of stupidity and the routines of tourism can feel even more monotonous than daily life. Once you’ve taken enough of those cookie-cutter tours, each one thereafter becomes both unbearable and trivial. But beyond the travel, Hotel @nyware is an outlook on life. It’s not just a lifestyle; it’s an uncommon perspective—an adjustment in values from which actions naturally follow.
The Deliberate Adventure
Long-term travel is about being deliberate. It has nothing to do with demographics—your age, belief system, or income—and everything to do with attitude. After all, attitude affects altitude. If I do nothing unexpected, then nothing unexpected happens. But I’m not just seeking interesting surroundings; I am continually interested in whatever surrounds me.
Choosing Memories Over Experiences
I’m not simply choosing between experiences. I’m choosing between the memories of those experiences. Even when I think about future vacations, I don’t envision them simply as experiences. Instead, I think of them as anticipated memories, waiting to be made.
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