Home Is Where The Ship Is


Monday, April 1, 2013

Bahamas-Attitude Of Gratitude

Just breathe
I’m living my dream, not my back up plan. I’m not telling you it’s been easy – I’m telling you it’s been worth it. I attempted the absurd and achieved the impossible- I circumnavigated the globe by land, sea, air. I even got paid for it!

You cannot discover new lands until you lose sight of the shore. Life happens FOR you not TO you when you have faith. It’s taking a trip without maps. This is going to get “your best material”.

Celebrate Life

Tomorrow is the busiest day of the week. 

Talk is cheap. In fact you can’t get wet from the word water- You want to DO travel, you can’t English it, you must UNDERGO it. As you start to walk out on The Way, The Way disappears. Have faith. Worrying about it is accusation against Divine Wisdom, a criticism of Divine Mercy of what is.

Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing. There is no road less traveled, because there is no road!

Copies have no value. The value is in the uncopyable. If you are hungry, watching someone eat a slice of pizza doesn’t make you any less hungry. In fact, it makes you more hungry. Stay hungry, Stay foolish, but it’s gotta be YOUR way or the highway, none of this Karaoke tourism aka, the march of stupidity and walking the painted line.

Do not be satisfied with the stories that come before you. Unfold your own myth." Tell your own story , this is the autobiographical philosophy.

The Earth school kills all of its students.
Most people fail in life because they major in minor things.
You Will Never Get There, So Enjoy Your Journey 

I feel grateful these days for it because I realize how little I actually deserve.



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